Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement


At Flexxgenix we are fully committed in our support of the legislation that prosecutes all types of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. We fully endorse ethical working practices in our supply chain and operations.

We are serious about our brand because it is part of our identity and so is our commitment to corporate social responsibility. We believe transparency is the best way we can ensure the public that we are doing our best as an ethical corporate citizen.

Flexxgenix is based in the UK and sells its products throughout the United Kingdom. Where possible, we engage suppliers who have relationships with existing suppliers so that we can contain our supplier network and improve consistency in ethical practices throughout the supply chain.

We are committed to taking all necessary steps to ensure slavery and human trafficking does not occur within our company or supply chain. Modern Slavery includes:

Slavery is where a person exercises ownership over another person who is seen as a commodity and is forced to carry out work or a service.

Forced or compulsory labour where people are forced into servitude to work or provide a service under any form of coercion, from a threat of punishment to violence and intimidation.

Human trafficking where someone deliberately arranges or facilitates the travel of another with a view to exploiting them for financial gain and/or servitude. Control is exerted by means of coercion, abduction, fraud, abuse of power and abusing a persons vulnerability.

Bonded labour happens where a person gives another payment or a benefit to facilitate control over them and in turn force them work or provide services (often with no renumeration) as a means of repayment of a debt or loan through coercion and intimidation.

We are aware that labour abuse takes place at the lower end of the supply chain and can involve withholding payment, non-payment of the minimum wage, a lack of PPE, forced long hours with few or little breaks.

Forced labour and exploitation involves controlling another by force through a threat of or actual violence to work or perform a service. The types of control include confiscation of ID documents, debt-bondage, restrictions on movement and psychological abuse.